Monday, April 20, 2015

Dressing for London...What is appropriate?

This semester there has been a lot of discussion about people in London being more proper and dressing more formally. Some of the places we will visit we will have to wear professional clothes. One of our professors told us not to look like "tourists" with the way we dress because the way we speak will be enough for them to know we are Americans. It is important that we blend in so that we are not "targets" for pickpocketing. Since there are no guns allowed in London, pickpocketing is a common crime. Our shirts should not have any logos or writing because that is too casual and will scream "Americans". I am anxious to see while we are in London whether being an American will be a bad thing or whether all the precautions are just to prepare us. Sometimes it is better to assume the worst in hopes of having a better outcome.


  1. It is SAD to think that you can ALREADY be a Target just by the way you dress and talk!! Although I KNOW in this day in age it seems to be MORE common than one would like to admit!! Heck I remember when you were just weeks old we went to California and even though we were AMERICANS we were still TARGETS of Pickpockets on the Pier of Alcatraz it was an eye opening experience for me as a 13 yr. old so I can image it will be an experience for you on your trip as well!! Lets hope you're not targeted!! =) Maybe having Bryson with you will help!!?? =)

    1. It is sad, but at the same time pickpocketing can happen anywhere at anytime. It depends on how desperate the pickpocketer is and how vulnerable the pick pocketee are. Some people make it too easy to become targets and do not take safety precautions. I feel confident that having Bryson will help along with the fact that we will be traveling in a group so we can all watch each others backs in order to prevent becoming ideal targets. (:

  2. So now I'm gonna be worried about weird people pick pocketing friends from your group, and until you mentioned this I only thought of London as depicted in the famous novels, years ago that talked about thieves in the street, as in past tense, not in our present time!

    1. It is easy to assume places are exactly how the media depicts them. I assure you, momma dear, that I am taking all necessary precautions in order to not be pickpocketed! (:
